Monday, October 26, 2009

FlyLady hmmmmmm

OK so I've been thinking about this a LOT lately. I'm not what anyone would call even a halfway decent housekeeper. OK I will admit it, I stink at housework. I'm disorganized (no, I know where everything is until you put it away on me lol), life is cluttered, and I'm always behind on the basics like laundry and dishes. There, I admitted it. I'm a housework flunkie.

So why am I mentioning FlyLady, you ask? Well, my friend Janis is doing it herself now after moving into a new home and having no real routines for housework there (and no desire to reinvent the system she had at the old place, I don't blame her!) She's on day 5 or 6 now of FlyLady and is doing well with it. Oh, and she has 6 kids, one being a baby and one being an ornery toddler LOL Now, I've attempted FlyLady many MANY times in my parenting lifetime (6 1/2 years and counting) and every single time I failed miserably. I lack motivation and focus to do it, even in the 15 minute sessions she suggests tackling things in. Its really a MAJOR discipline issue that I have with myself, I know this. The only thing that I have kept is my control journal with my routines in it and a few extras that I felt compelled to add. So, I'm thinking that since we've managed to be 99% consistent with doing homeschool lessons daily like I need to, its time to tackle another consistency issue that I have. I'm going to begin to tackle the disaster that I have created with my housekeeping skills. I'm going to go shine my sink now. lol I won't post a pic of it because quite frankly, you'd be horrified at the piles on the counter around it. But at least I'll have a shiny sink. Tomorrow, I'll keep at it, and instead of the 15 minute session she suggests, I'll try doing 5 minutes at a time. We'll see how this goes..........................

I may end up failing for a 23rd time, but hey I gotta keep at it until I find something that works for me. So far, nothing is working (and that includes trying to get the kids to clean up after themselves a couple times a day, since Scott feels it is his job to teach them that a woman's job is to stay home, take care of kids, and clean up after every person that lives in the household like a darn maid) I have no help around here that doesn't throw a royal hissy fit (including the 35 year old man I married LOL) but nobody really complains with my lack of housekeeping skills either. I dunno, I personally don't like it but don't know how to approach it myself. Maybe I'll figure it out as I go along.

1 comment:

Tristan said...

Go for it - it never hurts to try.

I know for me it was helpful to start with just a morning routine. Then I added the next hour of the day and did it until I was consistent. And so on until in a few weeks I was up to a full slate of routines.