Friday, June 01, 2012

wrapping up the school year

We have had a very eventful school year here, and now it is June so we need to wrap up things at some point and take a bit of a break.  Originally I wasn't going to take a break here due to the time we had to take off with my pregnancy complications, but even I am wanting a little time to relax and enjoy.  Plus, I need to free up some time to focus on getting my plans for this upcoming school year figured out in a couple areas.

We have made a lot of progress this year despite the things that came up.  The girls had a chance to learn through my pregnancy, about keeping healthy and making good choices along with learning about the development of a baby before it is born (science and health both right there).  They learned the importance of working together and helping out when needed, and gained some additional independence this school year.  We did keep plugging away in academics of course, completing most of our goals in history and science for the year plus making great progress in math and reading.  Missa finished her math book and moved up into Beta back in October I believe, and yesterday Jojo finished her Singapore Earlybird math book.  Liddy should finish her math book in the next few weeks and move on up to Beta as well, and Kimmy will finish her math book probably by fall.  Overall, I am happy with how the school year has gone for us.

So we shall wrap up this year over this month and take a bit of time off, then pick up with grades 4, 3, 1, and K in late July or early August.  We will keep up with doing some math and reading most likely over this summer, but at a more relaxed pace.  But officially, I'm calling it over with by the end of this month and just taking it for what it is.  I didn't get as much done as I would have liked in history or science, but they still got a LOT more than they would have in our local public school.  We have many years still to finish up the history we did this school year, and I am looking forward to the US geography study we will be doing this fall.  I have even decided to expand it to include science by studying earth science (identifying landforms in each state, like mountains, canyons, and such) and some plant/animal science (studying different plant and aminal life that is in each state, such as tumbleweed and cacti, scorpions, birds, and such).  I need to take a bit of time to rework the plan I originally had obviously to include this, as I was just going to keep plugging forward in science with what we have here (finishing the Real Science 4 Kids books that I got for this school year).  I also need to take some time to create a basic intro to music theory for the kids, as I would ideally like to have the oldest girls reading music a little bit next school year, and come up with something for art.

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