Tuesday, May 01, 2012

May goals

Well, it is a new month, so it is time for new goals.  I like setting goals for a month, it helps me to get some focus going on and motivation to get it done.

Homeschool goals:

Liddy finish her level of math
do spelling at least twice a week with Missa
Get Kimmy reading to me at least 3 times a week
keep working with Jojo on her letter sounds

Household goals:

stay more on top of the housework than I have been
catch up the laundry fully
plant shrubs out back

Personal goals:

daily time with my Bible
finish reading "Love and Logic"
exercise twice a week on purpose
go to bed by 10pm every night
smile more often

Yes, I think that is enough of a goal setting for now.  I have a lot of places I need to improve as a wife and mother, so my plan for this month is to start working on the areas that need the most help.  One day I may take the time to share all my shortcomings that I need and want to work on, but I rather like the idea of just posting a couple to work on each month instead like this.

And just because I can, here's my first picture this month of PJ and me together.  Please try to ignore the smears on the mirror, I know I need to take some Windex to it.

I can't believe how big he is getting already.  He will be 3 months old here in just 16 days, and in 9 days Liddy will be 8 years old.  I am NOT ready for this month.

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