Tuesday, May 15, 2012

finding time for me

This is something I've not really done much of the last several months.  I am especially finding it difficult with a new baby that needs to be with me at all times since he doesn't take a bottle.  So, I have to really make an effort to find time to do things for myself.  Right now the girls are playing happily and leaving me alone for once, and PJ is hanging out in the playpen and talking to his animals on the mobile above him.  I should really get out my sewing machine and do some sewing for the kids, but instead I am here on the computer typing a blog post.

I need to force myself to be more diligent about taking time for me daily.  I have many activities that I enjoy doing and the things I need to do them, but I don't take the time to do it.  I have about 20lbs to lose, and I have workout DVDs plus access to free workouts on Netflix and on my cable's OnDemand collection.  I have a large supply of fabric and patterns for myself and the kids, and a long list of things to make for us (mainly we need skirts and dresses, and PJ needs more diapers).  I have yarn and knitting/crochet needles/hooks plus patterns for things I want to make.  I have 2 books of music that I can learn to play on my flute or the piano.  I even have almost a dozen books on my Kindle, just waiting for me to read them, and a couple games for the Wii and Playstation 3 that I haven't played in a long time.

As I said, I have a lot of great stuff that I can do, and yet I do not take the time to do any of it.  Instead, while Scott reads to the girls at bedtime, I watch tv and rock PJ to sleep before I head off to sleep myself, and I get up with the first child in the morning every day.  The free time I have, in the past I've spent at the computer playing games and reading on chat forums.  I need to rekindle that spark for my hobbies and do it.

So, I am going to set up a plan.  Yesterday we had our first quiet time after lunch, and today I plan to do it again after Lydia's yearly checkup.  During that time, I am going to finish the shirt I have waiting for Jordan and then start making skirts for us all (the girls each need 4 or 5 at a minimum and I need 3 or more, that is a LOT of skirts) if PJ will let me put him down.  If not, then I will get out my yarn and start making dishcloths or I'll read a book on the Kindle.  Quiet time is 90 minutes that I can spend doing what interests me, so I'm going to do it.

And yes, I do consider making clothes for the kids to be fun and relaxing to me.  I have always enjoyed sewing, and I have wonderful high quality machines to do it.  Anything is fun for me to sew no matter what it is and who it is for, so I will be taking advantage to make some clothes that we need anyway and just continue to enjoy the sound of the machine humming away and the feel of the fabric in my hands as I work it through my machines.  It is a highly satisfying thing to start with a pattern and a pile of fabric and then see it transformed into something useful and beautiful.  Blankets, pillows, clothing, toys, you name it I'll make it.

Yes, I need to remember to take more time out for me.

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