Monday, March 08, 2010

science 1 joys

Well, since I totally missed a BIG thing in our science unit on plants, I decided to skip that unit and move on to the next one for now. So, we are going to be studying habitats while we wait on our grass to grow LOL Chances are, Lydia will be joining in with us for the science unit like she always does since OHVA doesn't do science in K. K for them is a half-day program so we only do math, phonics, lang. arts, and history. We are encouraged, but not required, to do health and technology in K yet we get a lot of hours with those subjects since my 1st grader has to do them.

When I finish the unit on habitats, we'll go back to plant life. I seriously doubt the kids will be damaged by my moving around a unit like that to allow time for a total stupid slip on my part.

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