Sunday, September 20, 2009

music revisited

Well, we are going to attempt to get Melissa into Suzuki violin lessons in the spring, we can't do it right now because of cost issues. We're going to save up for her lessons. However, we did go ahead yesterday after soccer and get her a violin and a book so I can start working with her on it a little bit. She's alerady in a 1/4 size violin, almost a 1/2 size but we chose to get the smaller one strictly because I can always trade up with our rental when she hits that growth spurt that requires a bigger one. So, we got the first book of the violin program I was taught with in public school, and I'm going to start working with her on the basics. Tomorrow we will start learning, and I'm going to begin with teaching her the parts of the violin. I want her to be able to name them all before Thanksgiving, which I have complte faith that she can do that if we work together on it. Her violin is freshly tuned (by me and my good ear) and sitting in my bedroom waiting (we gotta protect it from the 2 year old LOL) I am going to spend some time today searching for some printables for her on the parts of the violin, and maybe I'll attempt to do a lapbook with her on this. That would be a really fun way for her to learn them I bet.

I'm only going to focus this first week on the parts though. And we won't spend the entire lesson time working on it, I'll also work with her on how to hold the instrument for playing and begin some bowing so that she can make some squeaky noise for daddy lol There are so many things she'll need to learn with playing the violin, this lapbook is going to get HUGE I think. Maybe I'll get a binder and some more cardstock instead of doing a traditional lapbook.................. lol Although I could do it like a friend of mine did the "Finding Nemo" lapbook with her daughter last school year, we'll see how big it gets this first week of making the little minits for it.

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