Saturday, December 03, 2011

pregnancy- coming up on 3rd trimester

So, on Monday I will be 27 weeks pregnant.  Technically, this is that border between 2nd and 3rd trimester.  However, the discomforts are starting now.  I am NEVER a happy pregnant woman, and my favorite part of pregnancy quite honestly has always been when I go into labor.  I have an irritable uterus, so I start dilating early and have contractions.  My babies like to sit in a bad position and cause me all kinds of fun pains shooting down my legs and through my hip and backside.  I feel like I'm sitting on a bowling ball pretty much all the time, and it feels like my stomach is going to tear open at any moment.  Yes, I do *not* take kindly to third trimester at all.  I know that there are those who see this time as a blessing, but honestly I see it as something to tolerate until I can have my sweet baby in my arms finally.  Yes, pregnancy is a miracle, I do see that, and it is a special gift, however its not one I particularly enjoy most of the time.

So, if I'm not very good at updating my blog for the next few months, know that it is purely because I'm grumpy and starting to get fed up with the discomforts I get to enjoy for the next 13 weeks or so until I deliver.  I'll try to post about what the kids and I are doing with lessons, and be positive about the pregnancy right now, but really I am not posting much for a while.  After all, if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.  Am I right?

So, here's a happy little blip for the pregnancy.  We have officially purchased baby Isaiah's outfit that he will wear home.  I even have a picture to share.

I still need to add socks and a hat to it, but it is adorable, don't you think?  We are anticipating that he will be around 8 1/2 to 9lbs at birth, so we are completely skipping all newborn sized clothing.  This one we went straight into Carter's size 3 month clothing, I got the outfit on sale for $12 and the little soft crib shoes for $4.  My mom says that she got some socks and newborn mittens that match it, and will send those up with the Christmas gifts this year, so I just need a hat and blanket really to complete the outfit.  I sure hope that ultrasound was right since we now have the official homecoming outfit.  Next I plan to install the car seat this weekend, before I get too big an uncomfortable to do it easily AND before the winter weather starts so that I know we are covered at least (if we don't buy an infant seat between now and birth, that is! Then we'll get the van into the garage and Scott will install it instead for me) and we have some cleaning and rearranging to do in our bedroom to make room for the little guy.

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