Tuesday, February 14, 2006

starting up

We decided to go ahead and start Letter of the Week prep program with Melissa, and if Lydia picks any of it up great. Melissa is begging us to let her go to school thanks to a recent episode of Sesame Street (the one where Baby Bear goes to school for the first time, even the Elmo's World segment was about going to school *sigh*) so we are going to start simple with her, I'm thinking I may stretch the weekly lessons out into 2 week lessons if she shows any signs of not getting it like she did the couple times we tried this program with her in the past. I'm also researching Charlotte Mason's approach and figuring it out, it looks from what little I know like it may be a good fit for us but only time will tell as I research it further. I still can't believe there's so many different methods for homeschooling, I just don't know where to go at all or what's going to be the best fit for us. I'm still thinking that we'll probably end up going with Sonlight when its time to start following the state's laws, but I don't really know WHAT I'm doing yet for sure. I'm just going to start Melissa on Monday like I'm planning and just see where it takes us over the next couple years. That's all I can do really.

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