Tuesday, April 25, 2006

chucked all my old plans, here's what's now happening

I decided that I really want to try and hold off Melissa a little longer on homeschool to try and combine Lydia in with her as they get older, and that means putting her off one year probably since they are almost exactly one year apart in age. So today I put in a request for a free shipment from a company that does monthly activities and learning themes for kids ages 1-6 and I'm going to try that out with Melissa and see how she likes it and how well we like it. If we like the free monthly theme then we'll think about doing it every month for a while, combining Lydia in when she's ready for the activities. I'm still planning on going with Sonlight curriculum for when we start homeschooling school age (we'll start when Melissa's 5 and Lydia's 4, the cores that Sonlight has are very good for combining multiple kids close in age and if I wiggled it enough I could add Kimmy in the same core with her big sisters but I'm not going to, I already have a plan laid out for Sonlight and hope to stick with it as best I can, depending on where life takes us with teaching our girls) I'm really looking forward to getting our free month package, and I'm not even out shipping costs, which is cool by me. LOL The site I went to for this monthly theme is Brighter Vision and it looks like Melissa may really enjoy it, last month I got a packet in the mail offering the free month and I decided today to just give it a shot and see what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We did Brighter Vision for almost a year too. I think when Alex was about 2.5 years old....and don't worry about chucking plans- we change materials all the time. (we do more afterschooling) becuase I'm a public school special ed teacher. Was hoping to homeschool for K but we've had another little one and it may not be possible.