Friday, December 14, 2012

Isn't illness fun?

I really hoped that we would be spared this year from the annual rounds of illness that usually happen here.  Unfortunately, that did not happen as all 5 children have the flu and I believe I may be coming down with it as well.  The one being hit hardest would happen to be my sweet Kimmy, who will be 7 next month.

Obviously this virus is causing her some issues with her asthma.  But that's why we have a nebulizer, she's always had these troubles when she gets sick.  I also have a second nebulizer and tubing with a mask for PJ, as he has the same trouble Kimmy has with breathing while sick.  Hopefully we can keep it all under control and the girls can all recover over the weekend so they don't have to miss school again on Monday (they all came down with this one between getting off the bus yesterday and waking up this morning, with me and PJ starting it this afternoon).  Scott is pumping himself full of vitamin C to try and keep from getting it, and I'm forcing myself to keep going with life until he gets home from work tonight so I can go to bed and die.

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