Saturday, August 10, 2013

New family pet

In April our sweet dog, Tinkerbell, died following a 2 week illness that she just couldn't recover from.  Today, we went to the county animal shelter and looked at a few dogs.  We walked 4, and brought 1 home.

We named him Terrance.  The shelter took this picture of us all with him, and I love that we have a new member of our family.  Missa will be doing 4H with him this year once I contact a friend's mother to get a few details I need (she runs a dogs club).

I will never purchase a dog from a breeder or pet store, there are just too many in the local shelter that need adopted or rescued (our shelter is a kill shelter).  Every pet we adopt from the shelter is just one more life spared and touched by God's grace for all His creations.  I love that we have the ability to save a pet from being killed like this, every pet we've ever gotten from the shelter in my lifetime (this one is the second one for my family, plus I've had 5 cats and 3 other dogs from the shelter in my youth) has been a wonderful pet.

I can't wait until Terrance adjusts completely to our family and shows off his full personality.  He's a pug/beagle mix, which I have heard is referred to as a "Puggle."

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