Monday, June 27, 2011

reading progress

Usually I post about how my older girls are doing, especially Missa, when it comes to reading. Well, today I'm bragging (again!) on my sweet Kimi.

This afternoon, after the kids got home from VBS, we ate and then took a nap. Jojo is still snoring away happily on the sofa, in all her 3 year old cuteness. So I took the opportunity of her being silent for a bit to work with Kimi on her reading. She's hit a bit of a wall lately with the Sonlight Fun Tales readers that we have been working on, so I decided to change things up at the library. I grabbed her a few of the easiest readers they have there for her to try out as a change of pace. Today, we read one. Its a Rigby 3 reader, so very simple. Each page has one simple sentence and the child is supposed to use clues in the picture if they have trouble with a word in the sentence. There are a total of 5 or 6 sentences in the entire book, so obviously a short book. She and I went through it together once, me helping her with the words, and then she read it by herself to me. Then she read it to her big sisters, and plans to read it to her daddy tonight when he gets home from work. We will *hopefully* spend the week reading this book and the other 3 of this level that I got and then next week we'll move up to the next level of readers if she feels comfortable with this level (I also got her a Dick and Jane book to try out if she wants). I have a feeling that this is exactly what she needs to get going and build her confidence quickly while we slowly work through the Sonlight readers.

But my third baby read a book! Yup, total proud momma moment here......

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