Monday, June 01, 2009

My last materials shipped today!

Yesterday, I placed an order for math for Melissa and Lydia (we'll be doing Miquon math this year with both girls) and ETC 1 and the first pre-ETC book to finish off that part of their LA programs, and I checked my inbox to see that Sonlight has already shipped my order and gave me a tracking number for it. I *should* be having a box day on Friday if I calculated correctly, as shipping info isn't uploaded to FedEx online as of when I checked an hour ago. Perfect timing too, as Melissa's last day of public school (for the rest of her life!) is on Thursday so we can celebrate our kickoff to being a homeschool family again with an official box day. (only a homeschooler can understand that kind of excitement LOL) I am so looking forward to sharing with my girls a math program that inspired me as a child to love math and do so well with it as I did, and I have a feeling that we will have a *very* hard time waiting until our official summer start date of June 22nd LOL

And tomorrow morning, I'm going to a thrift store to pick up 4 school desks for the girls to have in our school area for seatwork. I have a feeling that doing this will give them that feeling of readlly doing schoolwork, and encourage them to work harder at staying on task so that we can get things done faster. And it will eliminate the issue of "she's in my space mom! she's elbowing me! she's pushing my papers/book!" that we would have with using the dining room table instead lol If each kid has her own desk for schoolwork, it will be easier to split them the heck up to avoid this little bit of bickering. I'll just have to deal with them throwing stuff at each other instead.

And coming soon hopefully will be a blog for Melissa! I'm going to have her do her LA written work on a blog, typing up her stories and such there. At first I'll be typing them for her since I'm a trained secretary with a killer typing speed (I'm trained to type as I hear it spoken, I average around 80wpm when I'm really moving but stick around 45 on a normal day) but eventually she'll move on to typing it all up on her own. So, that is to come in late June, when it arrives I'll post you a link to check out her creativity. I have a feeling we will all see a lot of great creative works from her, she has a wonderful ability to make up stories with great detail.

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