Thursday, April 23, 2009

call from OHVA

They are definitely on the ball, that's for sure. After Melissa got out of school today, I was getting the little kids out of their seats when I got a call fro OHVA. It was my person that is handling our registration process. She was calling to touch base with us and to remind me about the documents they need us to send in. I told her about the letter we got AGAIN saying that they are recommending that Melissa repeat K (yes we got another one today, despite the teacher saying that she may pass assessment if she keeps making progress at the current pace) and she told me that it would be no problem, if she's held back and we agree that she'll just change her grade and if not, then she'll leave it at 1st grade. Anyway, we had a nice little chat about the school and how things are done and what I can expect as the primary "instructional parent", and about the testing the girls will have to do. No problem at all, we're in process so far and all is well. I'm feeling better about this decision every day, and I know that its the perfect choice for us right now. The contact that has been made so far by OHVA is really helping me to feel more comfortable with this decision. I mean, I felt good about it when we first made the decision, but today's call really helped to cement that great feeling I'm having.

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