I've used Sonlight in the past, and we really enjoyed it. I have cores P4/5 and core K, science K, and LA K. We always enjoyed reading to the girls, and for the most part they love being read to. Well, except Melissa. She's not one to actually like books, she's more of a "give me a worksheet and tell me what I need to do" kind of kid. She struggles a lot with learning to read, and despises almost all books. So, we made a desperate purchase. We bought Sonlight core P3/4 specifically for her. Lots of great picture books and fairy tales, she likes these kinds of stories. Anyway, I realize it was a long shot, we knew this before we shelled out the $280 for the package. I will tell you though, we figured that even if it didn't get here even a little bit interested in reading or books, we have 3 other kids that will enjoy it. Well, last week our box arrived (I ordered on a Friday and it came on Tuesday, they are VERY prompt with shipping) while Melissa was at school. When she got home, her entire body lit up at the books. All the colorful covers sitting on the table sparked her interest, she has to nose into EVERYTHING new around here. So, she leafed through a few and looked at the covers, trying not to act interested (we all know how 5 year olds are LOL) Then she came across the Flip Flap Body Book, and she decided after leafing through it a moment that she was going to park herself on the sofa and look at it. After about 20 minutes, I took the book from her and told her to go ride her bike in the driveway for a bit. She grumped a LOT and then went outside. I checked on her after a little bit to see how her outdoor time was going and this is what I saw.

Now doesn't that just make your heart burst with joy? And just for giggles, here's one of Jordan that I took this morning.
I just found your blog, and I'm looking forward to following along on your homeschooling journey. And if this post is any indication, you're doing great [smile]. May you continue to find materials that are a perfect fit for you and your family.
As someone who struggled with reading for a long time, I can relate somewhat to what Melissa is going through. Here's to her success!
This really made me smile! I'll be buying p3/4 for my son (3 yrs) and core K for my daughter (5 yrs)for this coming fall. I love to see their faces light up at the books!
Luke is the best !!! Sonlight is such a fantastic company !!
We also love P 3/4 here, I find my son sneaking them off the shelf all the time.
Congrats Melissa and Mom ;-)
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