I know that I haven't posted much at all on this blog, but I'm busy with my girls. Anyway, this fall Melissa starts K, Lydia will be starting PK4, and Kimmy and Jordan will just hang out and absorb what they do lol They'll only be 2 1/2 and just turned 1yo when we start so no big deal if they get anything at all. But anyway, Scott and I discussed this a lot lately because he's not sure if we should homeschool this year since we are moving on Saturday and PS starts on the 21st, just 19 days after we move (because of the move my thought is to start OUR hs year on September 8th and just pick up some extra days to make up the time between our start and the PS start) So I'm going to make tentative plans for this year while he decides for sure what we are going to do (I gave him a deadline that is a week and a half away, if he doesn't give an answer by then I'll buy our homeschool stuff) Anyway, this is my plan for the upcoming school year.
Sonlight core P 3/4 (formerly known as core A)
revisit core P 4/5 (formerly known as core B)
Teach Your Child to Read In 100 Easy Lessons
the stuff left over from last school year:
- Ready, Set, Go For The Code
- Singapore Earlybird Math (finish 1 and do 2)
And we'll track the weather as our science for the year for our main project. Also, we'll do stuff from Ruth Beechick's 3 R's series to fill in any gaps that may be there. I'm just going to take a good relaxed year I think for homeschool, learning is a marathon and not a sprint after all. I was so gung-ho last year that we were pretty miserable with it all, so this year I'm backing off a bit and just relaxing about the whole thing. We'll play games, learn things pretty relaxed, and not do a bunch of workbook stuff unless the kids ask for it. Also, I have Lydia taking a jazz/ballet combo dance class and Kimmy doing tumbletots gymnastics with Scott at a local gym/dance studio (the one I went to as a kid in fact) and Melissa will either do karate at a local dojo or she'll do gymnastics at the place her sisters are going to, whichever one she decides on.
Yeah, my homeschool plans for this year are real ambitious, aren't they? lol I'm not motivated enough to make grand plans for it, they are so far ahead of the PS district we are moving to already that I am just not going to sweat it at all. They'll learn, and that's all that matters.
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