Things have been kind of strange here for us lately. Lots of spiritual attacks have been aimed at our family, and things haven't gone so well with that. First, Lydia broke her foot on top of all the illness and other stuff she had going on. This kid has been cursed it seems like. Since July, she had mono, then a sprained ankle, then the flu, then broke her foot, and finished it up with what we thought was the mumps but it turned out a cold with her seasonal allergies flaring up horribly. *sigh* This year is not being kind to her at all. For the broken foot, we discovered that she has an extra bone in each ankle/foot and that extra bone was what broke. This extra bone means that she can't go into a traditional walking cast too, we had to have an AFO made for her to wear instead as a walking cast. I should be getting the call sometime this week to schedule to bring her in to get it, as we've already done the casting for the mold and it has been sent out and all that.
Which brings us part 2 of spiritual assault. The day I took Lydia in for the casting to make the mold for her AFO, the back brakes on my SUV locked up completely. I was meeting Scott at the orthotics place so we could swap vehicles and he could take the other kids home, so I had to limp it there with all 6 kids and then he babied it back home (all of 5 minutes drive thankfully). That repair cost us just shy of $600 that we didn't really have, but we made it happen.
The SUV repair meant that I pulled the boys' car seats out of my SUV and put them in his car until it was repaired. No issue, the brakes locked on a Thursday and the truck was fixed on Monday. However, I forgot to get the car seats out of his car again and 2 days later (this would be last week) he was rear-ended on his way home from work. It gets even better, the other driver had no car insurance. There was no major damage to his car, just a dent and a couple creases along with paint transfer, so he didn't even bother and sent the guy off on his way after yelling at him for several minutes. Yes, that means we get to pay out of pocket for new car seats.
Which brings us to now. I'm selling stuff to try and get up some money so that we can cover that repair on my SUV and fix our seriously damaged budget and to replace 2 car seats that were in his car when he got hit. I've almost got enough money to replace the car seats, which is great because I'm not comfortable using the seats at all right now (it was a very minor incident but I've done way too much research to be comfortable using them unless I absolutely must). I'm making it easy on myself and buying this two pack of Evenflo Titan 65 seats for the boys, and I've already gotten most of the money I need to buy them just from selling off some of the curriculum I have that we won't be using. (stay tuned for a detailed post in the next few days of all the things that I'll be selling on here!).
And to top it off, Scott has been watching my lesson plan book and is concerned with a few things he's seen. He requested that I consider enrolling the kids in a virtual academy because of what he's seen. We discussed it, I've prayed about it, and I sent in enrollment paperwork this week to Quaker Digital Academy for all four girls. I have a feeling that this is a long term solution to the issues that he brought to my attention, and we are going to do it period. I'm done trying to figure out how to teach my kids, what to use for curriculum, and how we will afford the curriculum. QDA offers the Calvert curriculum as an option for students along with online options, so I'm going to be using Calvert with a couple kids and online options with a couple. We're going to just jump in and do it. Hopefully enrollment happens quickly with no major bumps. This allows me the ability to sell off all our curriculum that I can to get our budget on track again, and whatever doesn't sell I am donating to The Book Samaritan for them to pass to families in need.
It has just been a crazy busy time here, and I'm beyond ready to get back to life as usual. But before I get back to it, here's a little Nathaniel cuteness just for your pleasure.
Yes, my 5 month old is starting to figure out how to get on his hands and knees. Looking at him now, you would NOT guess that he was born 3 weeks early with a medical induction and was my smallest baby. He is just eager to get moving so that he can keep up with his 4 big sisters and 1 big brother.