Here we are, at the start of another month. I am going to try this month with setting a monthly goal for each girl in their academics, and see what happens. I start my next class on October 26th after taking the past few weeks off because of paperwork issues with my enrollment, so I need to try and get ahead. So here are my goals for each girl in schooling.
4 units phonics 1
28 lessons lang. arts 1
2 units math
3 units science
3 units history
8 lessons one on one with music theory and piano
4 hours structured PE
finish phonics K
4 units math (would prefer 6 though)
3 units science
3 units history
8 lessons one on one with piano
4 hours structured PE
4 weeks of core P4/5 and Sonlight lang. art K
learn to print her first name without a model reference
learn to use scissors
keep her from destroying the house
read syllabus for first course
get as much of this course's work done before the course starts
turn in high-quality papers and assignments
Yep, lots of big goals. Now, I don't anticipate us having too much trouble meeting these goals if I can just get us to focus and stay on track with things, but if we end up falling short in a couple areas that is ok. I am not going to stress over it, we are going to work daily on things and just see where it takes us in the end. Working daily is more important for us than making a specific amount of progress. If we do math daily and Missa doesn't reach the goal of 2 units this month, at least I know that we worked daily on it and that is what matters most. If Lydia does phonics daily but doesn't finish her phonics level like I'm wanting, it is ok because she will get there. I am not going to stress. The science and history units are fairly short, with the first of each of those 3 in my goals being halfway completed already. If we hit those goals that is great, but if we only get 2 units finished then I'm fine with that as well.